Cordial Greetings From Fantasy
Souvenirs from J∙ Okram books
Universal template for all postcards. Add your own message and address.
SALUTATION: friendly "Hey"
MESSAGE: jokeful
SIGNATURE: blank space
FULL TEXT: Hey, ....add name.... / Greetings from the dream book fantasy. I am well and it's beautiful here. How are you doing in the mundane reality? / ....add more text.... / ....add signature....
CONTEXT: Lightly humorous hyperbole mimicking the clichéd wording from unimaginative holiday postcards. A casual greeting as if from a fictional world. You can adjoin your own ending message at the bottom.
SALUTATION: friendly "Hello"
MESSAGE: jokeful
SIGNATURE: blank space
FULL TEXT: Hello, ....add name.... / Anyone gets holiday greetings. But have you ever received a postcard from the fictional wonderworld? / ....add more text.... / ....add signature....
CONTEXT: Lightly humorous hyperbole. A casual greeting as if from a fictional world. You can adjoin your own ending message at the bottom.
SALUTATION: friendly "Hi"
MESSAGE: sharing an interesting idea
SIGNATURE: blank space
FULL TEXT: Hi, ....add name.... / you might like this idea - for activities with kids or just to brighten up autumn evenings. See the illustrated tutorial online 🙂 / ....add more text.... / ....add signature....
CONTEXT: When we want to share our enthusiasm for making a ghost lamp with other enthusiasts for natural ornaments and DIY activities. This "Hi" variant is for a friend on an informal basis.
AUTUMN LAMP var· "Dear"
SALUTATION: polite "Dear"
MESSAGE: sharing an interesting idea
SIGNATURE: blank space
FULL TEXT: Dear ....add name.... / you might like this idea - for activities with kids or just to brighten up autumn evenings. The illustrated tutorial can be found online. / ....add more text.... / ....add signature....
CONTEXT: When we want to share our enthusiasm for decorative spookish lamps with other enthusiasts for natural ornaments and home-based DIY activities. This emoticon-free "Dear" variant is for a person, family or group of people with whom we are in a formal relationship (colleagues, superiors, teachers, distant acquaintances...).
SALUTATION: friendly "Hi"
MESSAGE: seeking a voting support
SIGNATURE: blank space
FULL TEXT: Hi, ....add name.... / you might like this idea - see the easy online tutorial 🙂. Or, at least vote for my leafy ghosties under these contestant codes: ....list your ID codes.... / Thanks! / ....add signature....
CONTEXT: When we want to get another vote for our entry in the best ghost contest. We are also sharing our enthusiasm for making a spooky lamp with other natural ornament and DIY enthusiasts. This "Hi" variant is for a friend on an informal buddy basis.
VOTE FOR A GHOST var· "Dear"
SALUTATION: polite "Dear"
MESSAGE: seeking a voting support
SIGNATURE: blank space
FULL TEXT: Dear ....add name.... / you might like this idea - the easy tutorial is online. Please, kindly upvote my little leafy ghosties under these contestant codes: ....list your ID codes.... / Thank you! / ....add signature....
CONTEXT: When we want to get another vote for our entry in the best ghost contest. We are also sharing our enthusiasm for making a spooky lamp with other natural ornament and DIY enthusiasts. This emoticon-free "Dear" variant is for a person, family or group of people with whom we are in a formal relationship (colleagues, superiors, teachers, distant acquaintances...).
VOTE FOR A GHOST var· "neighbour"
SALUTATION: polite "Dear"
MESSAGE: seeking a voting support
SIGNATURE: "Your neighbour" + blank space
FULL TEXT: Dear ....add name.... / you might like this idea - the easy tutorial is online. Please, kindly upvote my little leafy ghosties under these contestant codes: ....list your ID codes.... / Thank you! / Your neighbour ....add signature....
CONTEXT: When we want to get another vote for our entry in the best ghost contest. We are also sharing our enthusiasm for making a spooky lamp with other natural ornament and DIY enthusiasts. This emoticon-free "neighbour" variant is for a person, family or group of people in our neighborhood with whom we are in a formal or age-unequal relationship.
VOTE FOR A GHOST var· "neighbours"
SALUTATION: polite "Dear"
MESSAGE: seeking a voting support
SIGNATURE: "Your neighbours" + blank space
FULL TEXT: Dear ....add name.... / you might like this idea - the easy tutorial is online. Please, kindly upvote our little leafy ghosties under these contestant codes: ....list your ID codes.... / Thank you! / Your neighbours ....add signature....
CONTEXT: When we want to get another vote for our entry in the best ghost contest. We are also sharing our enthusiasm for making a spooky lamp with other natural ornament and DIY enthusiasts. This emoticon-free "neighbours" variant is good when a family or team wants to contact a person, family or group of people in the neighborhood with whom they are in a formal or age-unequal relationship.
SALUTATION: polite "Dear"
MESSAGE: information about the autumn contest
SIGNATURE: blank space
FULL TEXT: Dear ....add name.... / Nature falling asleep provides beautiful materials for the creativity of children and adults. I invite you to compete for the most captivating spectre made of autumn foliage. It's about more than just winning - anyone can also make a spectacular and undeniably not everyday lamp from their ghost-shaped leaves! / With respect and friendly greetings, ....add signature....
CONTEXT: When we want to share our enthusiasm for the autumnal foliage competition. This card also informs other natural ornament and DIY enthusiasts about the free guidebook for making a spooky lamp. This formal invitation is suitable for communications in professional and collegial circles (interest associations, schools, art clubs, trade unions, etc·).
SALUTATION: friendly "hello"
MESSAGE: sending access vouchers for free reading
SIGNATURE: blank space
FULL TEXT: Hello, I am sending you an interesting e-book. You can unlock it with these credentials: / Gift Number: ....fill your code.... / Invitation Code: ....fill your code.... / In return, please send me immediately the thank you token they will give you. I need that token as a verification code to continue my reading. Thanks! / Book download link: / https://www.okram.fr/promo/fanclub/book-gift / ....add signature....
CONTEXT: Participants in Fan Club activities receive free coupons. Some of them allow you to share the conveniences of free reading with friends (e·g·, in this case it's book gifts). Everything can be handled with one finger in the online e-system, but a postal correspondence service in the form of classic postcards is also available if desired.
This universal template is designed for inviting as many of your friends as needed.
SALUTATION: friendly "hi"
MESSAGE: sending access vouchers for free reading
SIGNATURE: blank space
FULL TEXT: Hi, I started to read an interesting serial book. Join the Fan Club with me to get the continuations for free. / Coupon Name: BOOK FROM FRIEND 1 / Coupon Series: ....fill your code.... / Coupon Lot: ....fill your code.... / Registration Page: ....pre-filled URL.... / ....add signature....
CONTEXT: Participants in Fan Club activities receive free coupons. Some of them allow you to share the conveniences of free reading with friends (max· three). Everything can be handled with one finger in the online e-system, but a postal correspondence service in the form of classic postcards is also available if desired.
This template is designed exclusively for inviting the first of your friends based on the friendly coupon number 1 . Friends 2 and 3 have to be invited by other postcards with the respective designation 2 or 3. For these three venues, different codes are generated, valid in separate registration channels.
SALUTATION: friendly "hi"
MESSAGE: sending access vouchers for free reading
SIGNATURE: blank space
FULL TEXT: Hi, I started to read an interesting serial book. Join the Fan Club with me to get the continuations for free. / Coupon Name: BOOK FROM FRIEND 2 / Coupon Series: ....fill your code.... / Coupon Lot: ....fill your code.... / Registration Page: ....pre-filled URL.... / ....add signature....
CONTEXT: Participants in Fan Club activities receive free coupons. Some of them allow you to share the conveniences of free reading with friends (max· three). Everything can be handled with one finger in the online e-system, but a postal correspondence service in the form of classic postcards is also available if desired.
This template is designed exclusively for inviting the first of your friends based on the friendly coupon number 2 . Friends 1 and 3 have to be invited by other postcards with the respective designation 1 or 3. For these three venues, different codes are generated, valid in separate registration channels.
SALUTATION: friendly "hi"
MESSAGE: sending access vouchers for free reading
SIGNATURE: blank space
FULL TEXT: Hi, I started to read an interesting serial book. Join the Fan Club with me to get the continuations for free. / Coupon Name: BOOK FROM FRIEND 3 / Coupon Series: ....fill your code.... / Coupon Lot: ....fill your code.... / Registration Page: ....pre-filled URL.... / ....add signature....
CONTEXT: Participants in Fan Club activities receive free coupons. Some of them allow you to share the conveniences of free reading with friends (max· three). Everything can be handled with one finger in the online e-system, but a postal correspondence service in the form of classic postcards is also available if desired.
This template is designed exclusively for inviting the first of your friends based on the friendly coupon number 3 . Friends 1 and 2 have to be invited by other postcards with the respective designation 1 or 2. For these three venues, different codes are generated, valid in separate registration channels.