Infinitive: demoisturise (Brit·) / demoisturize (Amer·)
3rd person: demoisturises (Brit·) / demoisturizes (Amer·)
Present: demoisturising (Brit·) / demoisturizing (Amer·)
Gerund: demoisturising (Brit·) / demoisturizing (Amer·)
Past: demoisturised (Brit·) / demoisturized (Amer·)
Perfect: demoisturised (Brit·) / demoisturized (Amer·)
To undo moisturising; to remove moisture; to dehydrate; to dry.
Upon demoisturised semolina coming in contact with a water-rich egg, they instantly begin to react with each other. The egg-borne water seeps into the pores on the breaking post-milling superficies of semolina grains. (Source: J∙ Okram - Semolina Dumplings for Soups ● Cooking Recipe.)