Plural: harullas
Traditional Central-European meal made of grated potatoes, garlic, marjoram, salt, bacon and optional flour and/or eggs, baked in a thick layer in an oven. Although the ingredients are the same as for making potato pancakes, the resulting delicacy is quite different in its appearance, texture, smell, taste, and overall gourmet impression. Other names: potato baba; placerka.
This firmish puddingy speciality is likewisely a savourous potatoey mouthwaterer. But in such a happenstance, let us not promise our invitees the twoside-crusted crunchcakes and definitely not make them crave "Bartoncakes": Rather, we openly declare a harulla-lovers' nosh-up. (Source: J∙ Okram - Bartonian Potato Pancakes ● Cooking Recipe.)
Slovak / Slovenčina (SK): placerka; zemiaková baba; haruľa
Czech / Čeština (CZ): zapékaný bramborák