Plural: twigpickers
Alternatives: twig-picker, pl∙ twig-pickers
Someone who collects dry branches fallen from trees; chatwood gatherer; firewood seeker; twigger. Specific reference to: A figure carrying loppings, as depicted on Wilhelm Tell playing cards (the Acorn Trump / Ace / Deuce).
—She says, "behind the twigpicker".— Mam passed on the specification she has received.
—She must mean this picture...— Doctor Barton surveyed the tall paintings and pointed to one of them. (Context: Dr∙ Barton and his aides are looking for a walled-off secret room in a haunted house. The scared landlady is hiding in the kitchen. From behind the locked door, she instructs the searchers to look beyond a framed painting featuring a twig-picking person. Source: J∙ Okram - The Mystery of the Rammed Key.)
Slovak / Slovenčina (SK): papekár; papekárka