An emphasised form of "any"; any whatsoever; whichever.
As far as I know, our domestic unscrubbed heneggs don't need to be refrigerated at all for two weeks. So if we put them in a fridge literally anyplace, we will unerringly surpass stringestmost hygiene standards in whichany case. (Context: Dad's defence when the family is harassed by a social custodian about food storage. He says eggs can be placed virtually anywhere in the refrigerator, and all hygienic norms will still be met or exceeded. Source: J∙ Okram - The Mystery of the Rammed Key.)
Now we can capitalise on this bakeware adhesivity-reducing makeover devised by ancient culinary masters of old, who could produce the thinnest pastries in virtually whichany circumstances. (Source: J∙ Okram - Bartonian Potato Pancakes ● Cooking Recipe.)
Anybody or anything randomly chosen; whichever selected; whatever; whoever; any.