The Mystery of the Rammed Key
Romantically tinted suspense in three acts, in which the heroes indulge not only in ghost hunts, but also in Grandma Estella's feasts...
● Author: Julion Okram ●
Enrichment for Festive Soups
Noodles, gnocchi, eggy batters - there are many tasty additions to soups. Dumplings made from coarse semolina flour are sure to provide a delicious treat.
Grandma Estela is cooking at full speed. She is eagerly dancing attendance on her beloved "Sinnie" (read: Dr· S· Barton), but she is even more eagerly embracing the care of hungry stomachs of his guests. Even the starving African student was enthralled by her puffy semolina dumplings. So much so that he unwittingly gulped the portions intended for other hungry fellows, who were left with nothing...
To avoid a similar empty swallowing in your case, we bring a detailed chef's mini-guide:
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